Island Man, "The guillotine is probably the most humane method of execution, as gruesome as it seems."
Saudi Arabia beheads people, Utah should follow their example.
are parts of the usa in a different century from europe?.
why don't they just stone them to death?.
Island Man, "The guillotine is probably the most humane method of execution, as gruesome as it seems."
Saudi Arabia beheads people, Utah should follow their example.
this weeks service meeting part (week starting march 23, 2015) in the our kingdom ministry under the heading meetings for field service that accomplish.
their purpose includes a little sub-article entitled when a sister must conduct.
the direct link is: click the little document download button under the one labeled km15 03-e us and then choose a format (pdf looks best)..
They obviously have a severe shortage of brothers to be that desperate.
It should be acknowledged though that the apostle Paul stated that women should wear veils on their heads during the meetings (! Corinthians 11:3-6) and not speak at all (1Corinthians 14:34-36). That's more severe than what the Witnesses are doing and it makes them look liberal in their application of those scriptures.
july 15, 1992 wt.
"apostates capitalize on errors or seeming mistakes made by brothers who take the lead.
our safety lies in avoiding apostate propaganda as though it were poison, which in fact it is.".
berrygerry: "Our safety lies in avoiding apostate propaganda as though it were poison, which in fact it is."
Their old literature is poison to them and they avoid it every bit as much as they avoid "apostates."
i'm just wondering if the theocratic warfare doctrine is anywhere in writing or if it's a word-of-mouth kind of thing where it's mentioned at elder's school, but not put in writing.. anyone?.
a large segment of the wts doctrines is contained in the proclamation that there will be an extenuating every lasting life.
on earth for a select majority and a smaller select portion who are going to reside in heaven with god and jesus christ.
jws are influenced to live their lives that is true and advantageous to live accordingly around that proclaiming assertion.. a purposed theory based from ancient mythological beliefs.. to be noted there are other theological beliefs in the after life from other religious beliefs separate from christianity.
The concept of an afterlife is intertwined with the belief in a moralistic god who rewards or punishes people based on their behavior during their present life. Without such a god where will our immortal souls go to? It is possible to believe in a god that doesn't immortalize humans and it might even be possible to believe in immortal souls without believing in a god but difficult questions will arise from such beliefs like:
"Are all animals immortal?"
"If not then when did human like creatures before Homo Sapiens become immortal and why that species and not another one more primitive than it?"
yes, today is the forum's 15th birthday!.
i never thought for one moment that it would survive this long or have so many people post so many great subjects over the years.. it is still humbling when i get pm's or emails from people expressing how the site has helped them and of course thanks goes to all the posters who have shared their experiences and make helpful and supportive comments to others who are in the sometimes difficult process of learning the real truth about 'the truth'.. the site has gone through several different incarnations over the last 15 years running on different platforms, different databases and different hosts but we've been able to keep all the old topics.
the current site is still being developed and i'm hoping to push another major upgrade soon.. i also may have some other news to share soon about the future of the site so stay posted.. until then, here's the the next 15 years!
have a look at this new subliminal image from the mag of .
spam link removed.
i accidentally came across this youtube video, "why the west fears putin.
" curious, i watched it.
you may find it interesting also.
yes they did say he was a jw in this news report:.
i learned this past week that my wife is now awake.
i just shared the pbs newshour segment with her with no comment other than something along the lines of, "jw story on pbs.".
she is furious at the arrogance of these men.. thats what happens when you get a momma angry!.